VisionEval is a collaborative project to build a family of strategic tools for performance-based transportation planning into a single open-source programming framework. Strategic tools are designed to evaluate many alternative futures and policies to help state and metropolitan area governments address pressing issues, despite uncertainty. The common framework enables new model features to be added in a ‘plug-and-play’ fashion so they can be easily shared among models. Use the resources below to learn more about this exciting project and how your agency can get involved. In 2021, VisionEval received the Zephyr Foundation Exceptional Technical Achievement Award.
- The collaborative development of VisionEval occurs on GitHub.
- End User and Developer documentation can be found in the Docs.
- For introductions to the key models of VisionEval, including the Regional Strategic Planning Model (VE-RSPM) and the Statewide model (VE-STATE), see the About and Users pages.
- The Concept Primer covers the concepts of VisionEval for transportation planners.