This web page enables you to explore the results of multiple VERPSM model runs for sensitivity testing purposes. With it, you can select different combinations of input factors and find out how various future outcomes are affected by your selection. You can also select desired outcomes and find out what factors cause those outcomes to occur. By experimenting with the selections and observing the results, you will get a better understanding of the relationships between policy choices and context factors and future outcomes.
Copyright 2016 Oregon Department of Transportation, 2018 AASHTO
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Author(s): Brian Gregor (, Ben Stabler (, Aditya Gore (
Many thanks go to the authors of the d3.js, dc.js, crossfilter.js, bootstrap.js, jquery.js, and colorbrewer.js libraries without which this data visualization would have been much more challenging to develop.
Many factors such as land use and fuel price affect light duty vehicle travel. Because the number of factors considered is large, they were grouped into 6 categories as follows:
Several levels were defined for each of the categories. These levels are numbered to indicate the amount of change from a reference case which represents the continuation of adopted local plans, policies and trends.
The levels are displayed in category bar charts, one for each category, as shown in the following illustration.
Each bar chart has a legend showing the color associated with each level. The sizes of the bars show the proportions of the selected scenarios in each level. The number of selected scenarios in each level is shown in the corresponding bar. You can select (or deselect) the scenarios in a level by either clicking on the bar. The selected level is colored and the non-selected levels are grayed-out. The total count of unfiltered scenarios is shown in light gray.
Given the chosen category inputs, the web page also shows future year outcomes for the following performance measures:
Each outcome is illustrated in a bar chart showing the range of outcome values for the selected scenarios. The bar height indicates the number of selected scenarios with that outcome value. The value for the 2038 adopted plans scenario is shown above the bar chart. The following illustrations shows what the CO2e Target Reduction, DVMT Per Capita, Bike Travel per Capita, and Walk Travel Per Capita bar charts look like when all scenarios are selected.
The bar charts can also be used to make a selection of scenarios. This can be done by hovering the mouse cursor over the bar at one end of the desired selection range. When the cursor is in the shape of a crosshairs, click and drag the mouse cursor to the other end of the desired range. The bar chart will change to show the selected range. In addition, handles will appear at the ends of the selected range. You can click one of these handles and drag it to alter the selection. You can also click on the middle of the selection (when the shape of the cursor is a crossed arrow) to drag the whole selection to a different location on the bar chart. As you make a selection in one bar chart, all the other bar charts will change to show outcomes for just the selected scenarios. The category bar charts will also change accordingly to show the numbers and proportions of the selected scenarios in each level. The following illustration shows a selection made on the GHG Target Reduction bar chart and the corresponding values for the other bar charts in the row. You can see in the picture the crossed-arrow cursor shape which means that the whole selection can be dragged to a new position.
Selections can be made simultaneously on multiple scenario bar charts and output bar charts. As more selections are made, all of the charts will be updated to show the selections that meet all of the selection conditions. To clear all of the selections and return to the starting conditions, just click on one of the Clear All Selections links on the web page.
Finally, at the bottom of the web page is a table which shows the data for the selected scenarios, including both the input factor levels and the outcome measures. The values in this table can be copied and saved in a spreadsheet. To select the data to copy, double-click in the top left-hand cell, press the Shift key, and then click in the bottom right-hand cell. Once the data has been selected, copy it by pressing the Ctrl c keys for a Windows computer or the Command c keys for an Apple Macintosh computer. Paste as unicode text into the spreadsheet of your choice.