18 VisionEval Topic Index
Here are detailed descriptions of the documentation available in the VisionEval book.
End User Documentation
- Introduction to VisionEval
- Concept Primer
Setting up your own VisionEval model
- Selecting a Model
- Building model inputs (general)
- Building scenarios
- Details on the three main models in VisionEval
- VE-State
- VisionEval module reference (User level; module by module)
- Model Script and Modules
- Module
- Inputs and Outputs
- module_docs
- Rebuilding Packages (PUMS, PowertrainsAndFuels
- VEModel Framework API
- visioneval.cnf environment (cascading)
- Model setup
- Geography and extra fields, deflators, units and display units
- Model scripts (structure, runModule parameters)
- Inputs (including search path and scenarios)
- Stages (including StartFrom and BaseScenario)
- Scenarios (Manual and category combinations)
- Results / Exporting
- Results (including Logs, ModelState_ls and Datastore)
- Outputs
- Queries
- Designing (with examples)
- Running and exporting
- R Visualizer
18.1 Developer Documentation
- Repository Structure and Build Tools
- Github and Development Environment Tutorial
- Cloning and building tutorial
- Directory tree of sources in Git repository
- Where built stuff goes
- Development Environment in depth
- Directories
- ve.build / ve.run / ve.test I. Build scripts, config, components
- Make from command line, Makefile
- Startup scripts
- launch.bat / .Rprofie
- VisionEval.R
- build/VisionEval-dev.R
- Github and Development Environment Tutorial
- Debugging VisionEval
- Debug tools
- Post-mortem with Load Model
- R debugger (with ‘src’ for modules)
- ve.test(pkgLoad=TRUE), for framework only
- VESnapshot
- Debug tools
- VisionEval Framework 3.0
- Oveview of how it works
- Model Running
- Packages versus Modules
- Model Script Structure
- Module Structure (for module developers)d
- Specifications
- Module Function
- Estimation / Package Data
- Module Docs
- visioneval package
- Source Files
- Functions
- Function Interdependencies / Workflows
- VEModel package
- Source Files
- How VEModel functions work / relate to
- Oveview of how it works